Classical Magic
Volume 3
created for...

CVP-909, CVP-905, CVP-809, CVP-805, CVP-709, CVP-705

Classical Magic Vol 3 CVP Edition
Play the video below to hear extracts from all 15 pieces.

Classical Magic Vol3 CVP Edition Sampler
Music book and USB
Download only version
Contents Andante from Piano Concerto No. 21 (Mozart), Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring (Bach), Scène from ‘Swan Lake’ (Tchaikovsky), Habanera from ‘Carmen’ (Bizet), Dance of the Hours from ‘La Gioconda’ (Ponchielli), La Donna è Mobile from ‘Rigoletto’ (Verdi), Largo from 'Xerxes' (Handel), Melody in F (Rubinstein), Nocturne Op.9 No.2 (Chopin), Pizzicati from ‘Sylvia’ (Delibes), The Death of Åse from ‘Peer Gynt’ (Grieg), Anitra’s Dance from ‘Peer Gynt’ (Grieg), Gymnopédie (No.1) (Satie), The Blue Danube Waltz (Strauss), The Stars And Stripes Forever March (Sousa)
Continuing the great success of the first two volumes, 'Classical Magic Vol.3' brings you another 15 of the world's best-loved Classical masterpieces in the fabulous Key-Tab format. That's fifteen more ready-made, professional sounding arrangements of some of the world's greatest Classical music to just sit down and play, complete with breathtakingly realistic registrations specially arranged for Clavinova CVP-909, CVP-905, CVP-809, CVP-805, CVP-709 & CVP-705.

Classical Magic CVP Play Along Demo
The music comes in the form of a 120-page spiral-bound book (or pdf file with the download-only version) with guidance notes. There is also a complete sequence of registrations for each piece (changed with any foot switch), using all the incredible facilities available - including custom styles, voices and harmony - bringing the original score to life by just playing one note in the right hand and chords in the left.
In addition your can listen to each piece performed on your own instrument and use the specially created guided MIDI files to play along yourself.